Officially? Yes, it’s all against the rules. It’s against the rules to harass moderators. It’s against the rules to go attempt to rile up others to cause problems. It’s against the rules to have subreddits dedicated to trying to convince people to go to other subs and harass moderators.
In reality? It has to be very persistent for the admins to take real action. There have been cases where subreddits have been cautioned or (rarely) sanctioned for allowing or encouraging their users to go visit other subs to harass. There have been cases where harassers eventually get their accounts banned, but not before Reddit has smacked them on the hand and said, “No, no! Bad Redditor!” 3-4 times first. More likely, reporting this kind of crap gets you the response, “We don’t see a problem.”
Part of that problem is that a lot of report responses are automated, and you have to know how to appeal and get the attention of humans to even have a sliver of hope that one of them might take action.
It’s a case of too many problem children, not enough human staff to deal with it.
It’s against the rules to create account after account to follow and harass a moderator for over four years but 8? 9? of his alt accounts later, they still haven’t been able to stop this one nutbag from Australia who gets his jollies by following me around Reddit to disagree with everything I say.
I see it as Reddits obligation to educate the community about moderators and what they do on the daily.
Reddit thinks moderators are as disposable as napkins.
I’m not sure they understand Reddit.
Reddit has been shadowbanning users (making it so their accounts don’t publicly hold data or karma, but allowing them to continue making comments) without telling them they’re shadowbanned for many years now. The idea that Reddit is silently going and removing the content from some users is really not a surprise.