They should be forced to rename that line to “Temperate Casual”.
They should be forced to rename that line to “Temperate Casual”.
Why do you think they created 8chan?
Gods have mercy on your soul if the selected text handle appeared near the screen edge and you need to adjust the selection. If you’re using gesture navigation, 4 out of 5 times it will think you’re trying to navigate away. Goodbye all the text!
Papa Jeff needs another rocket.
They are talking about replacing TV and movie writers, nurses and doctors for initial medical diagnosis, programmers for application development, paralegals for research,etc.
They will get rid of all human employees and drive their companies into the ground before they realize ML is supposed to supplement jobs, not take them over completely.
The problem is that CEOs across all kinds of industries are having raging boners at the thought of using these glorified predictive text apps to replace their entire workforce.
Hey, anything to make the freeway move faster.
Why though? I’ll never understand this. Wasn’t Instagram already doing the same thing?
Maybe I’m too old. Get off my lawn!
I’m old enough to remember dialing into different BBSs with my 14.4 Kbps modem.
These days my teenaged son is complaining that his 12GB Fortnite update isn’t downloading fast enough and he has to wait a whole 20 minutes.
“Don’t be evil” was their actual quote. The fact that they removed it says a lot about their new direction.
For now.
Google is working very hard on sabotaging all other browsers to a point where if you want to do anything online (watch video on Big Media platforms, use banking websites, etc.) you’ll be locked into Chrome and it’s derivatives.