Have strong opinions, but welcome all civil discussions.
Mastodon: @BrikoX@freeradical.zone
Why is JSON better than XML? It’s more modern, sure, but from technical perspective it is not objectively better right? Not something worth switching protocols for.
XML is unnecessarily complicated. By trying to cram everything into the spec, it’s cumbersome and hard to parse.
You mention XMPP has transports as opposed to Matrix bridges. I thought they give you roughly the same outcome. What’s the difference?
The goal is the same, but the way they archive that is different. For transport to work, you need an account on each platform you are using the transport on. It relays the messages through that account by mimicking the client. While bridges work by relaying the messages between rooms and not specific users.
My understanding is limited, so if you are interested, please do your own research.
Google killed XMPP momentum. And while Matrix has many issues it needs to figure out, especially the development being almost exclusively supported by a for-profit company, they seem to slowly (very slowly) work towards more independence.
Matrix did some things right. Going with JSON spec instead of XML, having Element as uniform cross-platform client, offering bridges as a way to stay connected with your family and friends without needing to convince them to move (XMPP offers transports, but they function entirely differently) and offering end-to-end encryption by default.
XMPP in true open source fashion doesn’t have any uniformity from user perspective. Different ways to do the same thing on different clients, different clients on different platforms. That is a benefit for a savvy tech nerd, but it’s a huge inconvenience for a non-techie family member or friend.
https://boehs.org/node/everything-i-know-about-the-xz-backdoor gives a good overview with links to further reads.
Quad9 if you just want to set it and forget about it.
NextDNS is you don’t mind doing some tinkering.
Google and killed projects.
They get a few % from app sales and ads if they quality for the highest tier, but most OEMs don’t.
Again, US is the only western country with Apple being in the lead. In all other affluent western countries, Apple is 2nd or 3rd by market share. Just recently, they even fell to 2nd place in Western Europe, which everyone said was impossible just a few years back.
You are using data from US only. Globally, Apple share fell to 16% in 2023 Q3, they are big, but far from the biggest player in global market.
12% is the max for Android OEMs, and they have to give a lot of concessions to Google to qualify.
As revealed in documents from Epic v. Google, Android’s “Premier Device Program” offers 12 percent search revenue to devices with “Google exclusivity and defaults for all key functions” and no rival app stores.
In raw numbers in might make sense for Google, but I can assure you, no Android OEM will see it like that in the next negotiations.
That’s where infosec people are these days.
That would be on brand for Musk, but I think he will stick with this one as it was his dream for a long time. After all he did buy back x.com
domain from PayPal after he merged with PayPal back in the day.
They can scrape it now. Everything is publically available. But this data is not that valuable for them compareted to someone installing Threads, Instagram or Facebook app that has pretty much full access to your phone all it’s activities and information.
The bigger issue is that when they join ActivityPub, they will take advantage of existing content we generated and add their ads on that content for Threads users.
https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/stats (also allows to look daily)
https://fedidb.org/current-events/threadiverse has some stats, but take them with a grain of salt. It’s slowly growing overall, but certain subjects are more active than others.
Estonia has been testing it since 2015, but their projected timeline for adoption never realized.
All platforms that don’t have public API access will require a way to relay that information, but I was talking about the difference in how the messages are relayed. Matrix bridges work fundamentally on each platform/protocol having its own room and relaying the messages through the bridged room instead of the user as XMPP does. That’s why you can relay the same messages to multiple rooms on Matrix, but can’t do the same on XMPP.